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It's Easter Sunday. Spring is lingering in the air. We're in an eclipse. I've recently closed a chapter, and taken a huge leap. It feels like I've been shedding a lot these past few months, and creating new. And as I'm shaking off the residue and moving into new things, there's lots to process and feel and integrate. As I move through it all, my journal is, as ever, a great support, giving me space and holding me dearly as I pour words after words straight from my heart onto the pages. I'm still very much in the process, still making sense of it all. But I wanted to bring my writing here to share some of the lessons that have crystalised recently. Getting it all out helps me to capture it, feel it, be with it and integrate what I am moving through.

One person's judgements, words, opinions are just that - the views of one person.

It can be hard, especially when hierarchy or power is involved, not to cling on and become consumed by that.

The 'good' and the 'bad'.

Can we observe and let pass? Taking what's helpful and letting the rest slip away. And being anchored in our truth and integrity regardless.

The ego likes holding onto the 'good', and the wounded parts of us are good at holding onto the 'bad'.

But perhaps when we know and trust ourselves deeply, we can witness rather than react. And we're not in need of validation or approval from others.


People remember not what we say, but how we made them feel.

I was surprised recently to learn of the strong impression I had made on people I've had very little interaction with.

In this way then, there is no need to perform, or to try to be something in order to impress.

Because our energy and intention - who we are at our very core - speaks far louder than our words.

And so, we never know who is touched by our presence


I am not liked by everyone. And I am a trigger for some.

This is one that's taken me a while to accept.

When you show up with love and good intention, it's hard to understand that this isn't always taken kindly.

But, the more we grow and the brighter our light becomes, the more uncomfortable this can be for some.

When we feel this, it's important not to shrink or retreat or to edit ourselves in aim of appeasing others.

But to again, remain in our truth and integrity.

To trust the energy and vibes we are receiving, and move away.

It can be difficult because often people don't realise they are triggered or why, or that they are behaving differently towards you.

Surround yourself with those who support, encourage and celebrate you, rather than trying to pull you down.


Accepting love.

To allow myself to embrace and celebrate and feel this.

Rather than continue living out old patterns - slipping away, hiding, brushing off, not being present to receive.

Accepting compliments, well wishes, attention, gifts, people coming together for me.

Even when it feels new and different and perhaps a little uncomfortable in some ways.


Love is an energy currency.

This supports lifting us up, refuelling us, grounding, recalibrating, to enjoy.

And this enables us to expand, take up space, to be seen, to trust.

And it strengthens us to move through challenge and difficulty.


Silence can be a way of taking back our power.

Coming back to ourselves and out inner peace.

Power isn't just about being loud and taking up space.

But sometimes about protecting ourselves and our energy.

Saying no and moving away isn't defeat or giving up, but choosing different.

Recognising and accepting when change is needed.


Repeating lessons aren't a failure, but an opportunity to learn the lesson more deeply.

What else do I need to see, do, be here?

How can I love myself more through this?

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